Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hoya Imperialis

This is my Hoya Imperialis. It did not quit growing during the winter. I kept it watered and never let it dry out. I had to add a larger trellis for it to grow on.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hoya minibelle and lost hoyas...

No matter how much I neglect hoya minibelle, she always blooms for me.  Her blooms smell nice especially at night.  I am currently working on getting my hoyas back outside.  I lost a few over the winter, including hoya buoti, hoya retusa, and hoya rotundiflora.  I may get another rotundiflora but the other two I am just going to go with that I can't keep them watered in the winter enough until I have a greenhouse.  I have lost two hoya buoti so I have given up on that plant for good.